100 Club

This will be our 12th year of running this very successful fundraiser!

Starting Thurs. October 8th running to March 11th the Middleton Fire Department will be holding its 12th annual 100 Club. It will take place on the 2nd Thursday of each month. Due to COVID-19 restrictions we will be live streaming each draw on Facebook starting at 7:45pm actual draw starting at 8:00pm.

You can find us at facebook.com/middletonfiredepartment be sure you give us a like and follow us there.

The 100 Club consists of 15 cash draws throughout the evening, totaling $1,000.00. Your ticket can be drawn more than once in one evening, giving you the chance to win even more. Single tickets can be purchased for $20.00 or purchase all 6 tickets in advance for $120.00 in advance gives you a chance at winning a $250.00 gift certificate donated by Fibrenew at the last draw in March 2019.

The members of the Middleton Fire Department thank you for your support over the past 11 years and look forward to seeing you once again this year.

The following business have made donations to help us celebrate.

Total estimated value of all prices is $6,700.00

These prices will be drawn for over the 6 months using the 50/50 tickets purchased each night.

The Middleton Fire Department wishes to thank Capitol Pub, Bistro 300 Coffee House & Pizza Factory for nightly door prize draws!

As well as Fibrenew for the advance ticket sales draw prize.

PS... this list may be updated in the coming

Prize break down

Amount in order drawn:

  1. $25.00

  2. $25.00

  3. $25.00

  4. $25.00

  5. $25.00

  6. $25.00

  7. $25.00

  8. $25.00

  9. $50.00

  10. $50.00

  11. $50.00

  12. $50.00

  13. $100.00

  14. $100.00

  15. $400.00

Draw dates:

October 8, 2020 SOLD OUT

November 12, 2020 SOLD OUT

December 10, 2020 SOLD OUT

January 14, 2021 SOLD OUT

February 11, 2021 SOLD OUT

March 11, 2021